Sources of Online Legal Information for African Countries

By Vincent Moyer

Vincent Moyer (B.S., J.D., and M.S. from the University of Illinois) is the Foreign, Comparative and International Law Librarian at the University of California Hastings College of the Law in San Francisco, California.

Jane Williams is the Foreign, Comparative and International Law Librarian Emerita at the University of Illinois Albert E. Jenner, Jr. Memorial Law Library. She holds a JD & MSLS from the Wayne State University (Detroit).

Published January 2019

(Previously updated by Jane Williams in August 2007, March/April 2009, May/June 2011 and April/May 2015)

See the Archive Version!

1. Introduction

The purpose of this article is to identify online resources for locating the legal materials of African states. It will first identify meta-sites useful for both background information and links to legal information. The next part will identify secondary sources, which can help locate sources and issues. The third section will list primary sources grouped by region, topic, and country. The final part will list the websites of some African regional organizations.

There are 54 recognized states and territories in Africa according to the United Nations. However, there are disputed territories that could change the number of countries. The post-colonial period, through much of the continent, has been characterized by political instability, civil strife, war, economic underdevelopment, and weak legal systems. Thus, only a few African countries have a strong history of publishing and disseminating legal materials.

A useful source for determining what legislative materials are published for each jurisdiction is the Foreign Law Guide published online as a subscription database by Brill (General Editor: Marci Hoffman). If you have access (through your local law school library or county law library), the Foreign Law Guide is a good starting point for locating African laws. This fee-based database permits searching by country, provides brief introductions to the legal systems, lists current codes, and identifies available English translations.

In the past decade, there has been a trend in some countries toward better governance and transparency. Increasing numbers of governments have websites and/or parliamentary sites, some of which provide news, government reports, and other documents. Meta-sites, which include links to governments’ websites, country information, and legal information, include the following:

2. Secondary Sources

Given that there are a limited number of comprehensive databases or internet sites for the legal materials of African countries, and that few law libraries have complete collections, secondary materials are important for identifying issues, recent developments, and documents. These include news sources, indexes, library and institute catalogues, journals, and papers.

2.1 News Sources

  • aggregates news sources from African organizations and elsewhere. A basic version with a topical search function is freely available. By subscribing, one has access to an archive going back to 1996 and the ability to search by keyword, category, publisher, and date.
  • Jurist (from the University of Pittsburgh School of Law) provides selected legal news for many of the African countries.
  • The BBC News Africa service is another good source for current information. This service also includes country profiles, government overviews, basic country facts, political information, and lists of reliable newspapers and other media.
  • The African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL) is an independent institute with country-by-country information for Africa and a searchable newsfeed covering current African news.
  • The African Law Firm Network, Lex Africa, provides legal news and informative articles about commercial matters.

2.2 Indexes and Catalogues

  • AfricaBib provides general online indexes with references to articles relating to legal issues including: Bibliography of Africana Periodical Literature, Quarterly Index of African Periodical Literature, and African Women’s Bibliographic Databases. These can be searched at AfricaBib by geographic region, periodical, subject, author, title, keyword, and date. A few articles link to full text.
  • The Quarterly Index of African Periodical Literature from the Library of Congress can also be accessed separately; it is another general Africana index which includes references to law-related articles published from 1991-2011.
  • African Journals Online (AJOL) is an online library of peer-reviewed, African-published scholarly journals. AJOL hosts 523 journals, including 251 open access journals. All users can browse journals by category, alphabetically, or by country, or search for articles by keyword, title or author. All users can view article abstracts and download full-text open access articles. Subscribers can also view and download thousands of other full-text articles for a fee.
  • The African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL) is an independent institute which researches social science issues relating to Africa. Its library catalogue identifies monographs, articles, and book chapters, some of which are related to law. ASCL provides access to the searchable African Studies Abstracts Online. The ASCL website also includes the full text of working papers and other publications.

3. Primary Sources

One can find online legal materials for African countries in fee-based databases, within subject or regional collections, and on various country specific sites. Few of the internet sites are comprehensive and it can sometimes be difficult to determine the currency of the information.

3.1 Subscription Databases

  • VLex has limited collections of legislation and some secondary material for a few African states.
  • Global Regulation provides access to a rapidly growing searchable database of more than 1.5 million regulations from jurisdictions around the world. It includes regulations from nearly a dozen African countries.
  • JuriAfrica – A subscription-based database on African law with analysis and news. The focus is mostly on French speaking countries, but also contains news for other parts of Africa. (In English and French)

3.2 Regional Collections

  • L’Association des Cours Constitutionnelles ayant en Partage l’Usage Français (ACCPUF) provides laws relating to constitutional institutions, some jurisprudence, and other material from its member states.
  • The Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria, has a collection of resources listed by topic. Their Resources Databases cover topics including African human rights, the legal response to the African HIV epidemic, sexual minority rights, and indigenous peoples’ rights.
  • is a web portal to business law in French-speaking Africa. It includes commercial, customs, investment, employment, social security, and tax laws as well as materials from regional organizations.
  • The International Documentation Network on the Great African Lakes Region is an interesting collection of materials from a variety of governmental and nongovernmental sources. Included are Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda. A search may locate laws and decrees although it is somewhat difficult to determine what material is included. Note too that if French, not English, is one of the official languages of a country, a search in French will generate more results for primary legal materials for that country. Collection updates ended in March 2009 but the earlier content is still available.
  • Juricaf collects Supreme Court cases from French speaking countries.
  • Legis-Palop is a project designed to collect the legislation and jurisprudence of five of the Portuguese-speaking countries in Africa: Angola, Cabo Verde, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique, and São Tomé & Príncipe. The website requires registration to search the available resources. Some material is available with registration, but other items require a subscription.
  • The Trade Law Centre (tralac) provides trade related materials from regional organizations in east and south Africa.

3.3 Subject Collections

Agriculture, Environment, Food and Natural Resources:

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations provides several important legal online databases (Thematic Collections / Associated Databases) including:

  • AgroecologyLex is a specialized database on different legal frameworks, policies and programs concerning agroecology in different countries.
  • ECOLEX is an information service on environmental law, operated jointly by FAO, IUCN and UNEP.
  • FAOLex is an up-to-date database of national laws and regulations relating to food, agriculture, and natural resources. It includes most African countries and provides links to full text documents.
  • FishLex provides laws and regulations on coastal state requirements for foreign fishing.
  • WaterLex has international agreements and legislation on water resources.

Business Law:

  • The Doing Business Law Library from the World Bank provides laws and regulations relating to business. Topics included are banking and credit laws, bankruptcy and collateral laws, civil codes, civil procedure codes, commercial and company laws, constitutions, labor laws, land and building laws, security laws, tax laws, and trade laws. One can search by country or topic.

Competition Law:

  • United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) website includes a collection of National Competition Legislation for several African countries including Kenya, Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

Constitutions and Constitutional Law:

Copyright, Patents, and Trademarks:

  • UNESCO’s Collection of Copyright Laws includes the laws of thirty African countries.
  • WIPO Lex from the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) provides texts for copyright, trademarks and patent legislation from most African nations.

Criminal Law:

Customary Law:


  • The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime provides a Legal Library of money laundering and drug legislation, which countries have passed to implement international drug conventions.

Health Law:

Human Rights:

Humanitarian Law:

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) provides three databases on international humanitarian law:

  • The Treaty Database includes the four Geneva Conventions, their protocols and ratification information.
  • The National Implementation Database has two parts. The first provides legislation relating to humanitarian law, including relevant penal provisions and laws relating to war crimes and the military. The second part provides related case law.
  • The Customary International Humanitarian Law Database contains the 161 rules of customary humanitarian law identified by the ICRC and a complete collection of practice material underlying the rules.

Labor Law:

  • The International Labour Organization (ILO) database NATLEX provides labor laws as well as laws on related subjects such as economic and social policy, free trade, and criminal law. Some of the sites provide full text in English, Spanish or French while others provide only citations. Users can search or browse the laws by country or by subject.

Land Law & Housing:

  • JurisAfrica is an online law reporting service owned by African Law Reporter Online. It publishes laws and articles related to land rights. They also publish constitutions, judgments of the superior courts, legislation, and articles.
  • Forced Evictions and Disability Rights in Africa – article by Sibusiso Nhlabatsi of the University of Swaziland.

Non-Profit Law:

  • The International Center for Not-for-Profit Law provides the text of laws governing various issues related to non-governmental organizations, including about twenty-two African countries. One must register to use the site, but otherwise the documents are freely available.

Occupational Safety and Health:


  • RefWorld is an amazing database from the United Nation’s High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) which provides the full text of national laws, cases, and international legislation relevant to assessing asylum claims. It also includes laws on citizenship, nationality, statelessness, human rights, and related issues.

Restorative Justice:

Tax and Commercial Law:

3.4 Resources by Country



  • Portail du Droit Algérien is a web portal to Algerian law from the Ministry of Justice. The site provides access to the constitution, codes, legislation and treaties to which Algeria is a party. Supreme Court judgments are available in Arabic only.
  • Portail du Premier Ministère provides links to legal texts.
  • Lex Algeria, the Algerian law portal, includes selected codes relating to public and private law as well as links to jurisprudence from the Conseil Constitutionnel from 1989 and the Conseil d’Etat from 1999. Some decisions are in English, but the French and Arabic versions are more comprehensive. The website of the Conseil Constitutionnel provides decisions from 1995.
  • The Council of the Nation – the upper house of the Algerian Parliament provides legal texts.
  • The National Assembly (Assemblée Populaire Nationale) site contains legislation adopted in the last three years with lists of laws adopted since 1997.

Law and Legislation:

Research Guide:


Law and Legislation:

  • The government portal site provides a searchable database of legislation in force. Each government ministry website also includes links to legislation within its area of responsibility.
  • SAFLII – Legislation from 1976 to 2009.
  • Assembleia Nacional de Angola – The National Assembly is the legislative branch of the government of Angola.


Research Guide:


Law and Legislation:


  • Cour Constitutionnelle – the Constitutional Court for legal and constitutional affairs. Contains some decisions and other legislative documents about the Constitutional Court.
  • Supreme Court decisions are on Juricaf (1962-2014).

Research Guide:



  • The Attorney General’s Chambers e-laws project publishes the Laws of Botswana. These are current as of the end of 2013. The site also includes a list current legislation and 2014 statutory instruments and the Botswana Law Reports published from 1964 and updated to 2011, part 2.
  • The government website includes links to ministries and authorities, several of which publish legislation in their area of responsibility.
  • SAFLII database includes selected decisions from the High Court of Botswana (1999- ), the Court of Appeal (1981- ), and the Industrial Court (2004- ).

Research Guide:

Burkina Faso:

Law and Legislation:


Research Guide:


Law and Legislation:

  • The Assemblée Nationale website includes laws passed from 2005-current.
  • Senat (Senate) – Part of the bicameral Parliament. Senate website contains references to legislative documents (in French).
  • Collection: Droit Afrique – Collection of various business laws from selected years (in French).
  • The government portal contains selected legislative information (in French).


Research Guide:

Cabo Verde:

Law and Legislation:

  • Legis-PALOP is a subscription database containing legislation and jurisprudence of the traditional Portuguese-speaking regions of Africa (in Portuguese).
  • The Assembleia Nacional website has legislation in force and some judicial documents.
  • The government portal site contains a link to the national governmental library with a collection of works and other general information.

Research Guide:


Law and Legislation:


  • Juricaf includes selected decisions from various courts.

Research Guide:

Central African Republic:

Law and Legislation:

  • Droit Afrique – A collection of business laws as well as links to legal and tax sites for the Central African Republic.

Research Guide:


Law and Legislation:

  • Droit Afrique – A collection of business laws as well as links to legal and tax sites for Chad (Tchad).


  • Supreme Court decisions are included on Juricaf (1999-2011)

Research Guide:


Law and Legislation:

Research Guide:

Congo (Democratic Republic)

Law and Legislation:

  • Droit de la Republique Democratique du Congo provides legislation arranged into nine subject categories; some provincial legislation; jurisprudence; and books, articles, studies and a legal bibliography. Much of the material is from the Journal Officiel but the subject arrangement allows material to be found more easily.
  • Leganet is another ongoing project to increase access to the legal materials of the DRC. It includes the Journal Officiel from 2002; some legislation from 1886-current; jurisprudence from the Cour Supreme de Justice for 1985-2007; and some commentary (doctrine).
  • Assemblee Nationale (National Assembly) – contains legislative documents.
  • Senat (Senate) – Contains collections of legislative documents.
  • Journal Official de la Republique Democratique du Congo – the official gazette for new legislation. Often updated in pieces with earliest documents being from late 1800s to modern day (in French).


  • Cour Constitutionnelle (Constitutional Court) – this is the website for the highest court in constitutional matters and contains legal documents (in French).

Research Guide

Congo (Republic):

Law and Legislation:

  • Journal Officiel – The official gazette for new legislation is moving to a new website address. The current link is broken, but when updated the new address should be included in one of the research guides listed below.

Research Guide:

Côte d’Ivoire:

Law and Legislation:


  • Juricaf has selected Côte d’Ivoire case law

Research Guide:


Law and Legislation:

  • Le Journal Officiel is available at the Djibouti president’s official website from 1996 to current. The website includes laws, presidential and ministerial ordinances, decrees and orders, announcements, and legal orders. It can be searched by date, subject index, and type of legal document.
  • The official government website also includes a list of ministries, some of which have legislation relating to their area of responsibility.
  • Droit Afrique is a collection of various Djibouti legal documents from selected years.
  • JuriAfrica is a subscription-based database on African law with a small selection of Djibouti law.

Research Guide:


Law and legislation:

  • The official government web portal has several laws in English translation, including Environment Law, Law of Investment Guarantees and Incentives, Labour Law, General Sales Tax, and Central Securities Depository and Registry Law. Other laws are in Arabic. The government website also includes some laws listed by subject or by Ministry.
  • Egyptian Codes (Statutes) are published in Arabic in the Official Gazette.

Research Guide

Equatorial Guinea:

Law and Legislation:


Law and Legislation:

Research Guide


Law and Legislation:


Research Guide


Law and Legislation:


  • Juricaf has selected Gabon case law.

Research Guide:


Law and Legislation:

Research Guides:


Subscription database:

  • The Ghana Law Database, provided by DataCenta Ltd, includes laws of the Fourth Republic (1992- ), the Consolidated Statutes of Ghana, business and financial laws, all volumes of the Ghana Law Reports, four law journals, and legal news. The Ghana Law Reports, however, have not been published since 1994.


  • The Bank of Ghana website includes the Banking Act and various other banking and financial laws of Ghana.
  • Parliamentary debates (Hansard), bills from the current session, and various official Acts can be found on the Parliament website.
  • The Lexadin World Law Guide provides links to more than 100 Ghanaian laws.
  • The Ghana Investment Promotion Centre provides access to the Technology Transfer Regulations, Foreign Exchange Act, Ghana Investment Promotion Centre Act, the Ghana Investment Act, and various laws on doing business in Ghana.


  • CommonLII provides selected Ghana land law decisions.

Research Guide:


Law and Legislation:


  • Court of Appeals decisions are included in Juricaf.

Research Guide:


Law and Legislation:

Research Guide:



  • Kenya Law Reports from the National Council for Law Reporting provides an up to date edition of the Laws of Kenya in a searchable database. Cases from the High Court and Court of Appeal (1980- ) are also searchable but not all the cases are online. Kenya Law Reports also includes the Kenya Gazette from 2008, the 2006 Hansard, and other material.

Subscription Database:

  • East Africa Law Reports series from LawAfrica include judgments from Kenya’s courts.

Research Guide:



  • The Lesotho Legal Information Institute (LesLII) provides free access to law from Lesotho. Here you can find legislation as enacted (1967- ); subsidiary legislation (1980-2012); judgments from the Court of Appeal and the High Court (1980- ), from the High Court Constitutional division (2010- ), from the High Court Constitutional Division (2007- ), from the High Land Court Division (2014), from the Labour Appeal Court (2003- ), and from the Labour Court (1994- ).

Research Guide:



Law and Legislation:

Research Guide:


Law and Legislation:

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Law and Legislation:


Research Guide:



  • Malawi Legal Information Institute (MalawiLII) provides access to: a selection of Malawi legislation as enacted (1965-2012); judgments from the Supreme Court of Appeal (1993-2018), the High Court: General Division (1995-2018), the Commercial Court (2010-2018), and the Industrial Relations Court (1994-2016); and Lilongwe & Zomba Magistrate decisions (2018).

Law and Legislation:

Research Guide:


Law and Legislation:

  • As part of PRODEJ (Programme Décennal de Développement de la Justice) the Ministry of Justice provides the text of major codes, other recently adopted legislation, and other legal texts.
  • The government web portal has a list of government ministries, a few of which have legislation in their area of responsibility.


  • Selected Supreme court decisions are included on Juricaf (1992-2007)

Research Guide:


Law and Legislation:

Research Guide:


Law and Legislation:


Research Guide:


Law and Legislation:

Research Guides:



Law and Legislation:

Research Guides:


Subscription database:

  • Juta provides subscription services to the current consolidation of statutes and to the Namibian Law Reports for decisions of all superior courts since independence in 1990.


  • Southern African Legal Information Institute (SAFLII) provides a partial collection of the Government Gazettes (1990-2017); acts (1990-1995, 1998, 2000, and 2003-2016); and decisions from the High Court, the Supreme Court, and the Labour Court.
  • NamibLII provides access to 1) judgments from the Supreme Court of Namibia, High Court of Namibia, Labour Court of Namibia, 2) legislation (1990-2016), 3) the official government gazette, and 4) Law Reform and Development Commission (LRDC) Reports.
  • The International Justice Network: Namibia Law Library provides links to the constitution, government gazette, court judgments, and other legal information.

Law and Legislation:

Research Guides:



  • Cour Constitutionelle website includes decisions from 2001.
  • Juricaf includes decisions from the Cour d’appel, Cour suprême, Cour Constitutionelle, and several other courts.

Research Guides:



  • International Centre for Nigerian Law provides federal laws still in force and the Laws of the Federation of Nigeria (2000), a list of laws passed from 1990 to 2006 that are still in force as of 2006, and procedural rules for the various courts. It also includes decisions from the Nigerian Law Reports and other judgments. This material is also available via WorldLII.

Law and Legislation:

Research Guides:


Law and Legislation:

  • The Ministry of Justice provides the Laws and Codes of Rwanda in English and French. These are organized into five volumes corresponding to the following broad subject areas: constitutional law, political institutions, treaties and international conventions; administrative law; judicial and criminal law; economic and financial law; and civil and social law.
  • The Prime Minister’s website provides the Official Gazette (Journal Officiel) from 2004 in English, French, and Kinyarwanda. It also has a list of ministries several of which have legislation in their area of responsibility.


Special Tribunal:

Research Guide:

São Tomé and Príncipe:



  • Juricaf provides links to a very small collection of Cour suprême case decisions.

Research Guide:




  • ACCPUF (Association des Cours Constitutionnelles ayant en Partage l’Usage du Français) includes decisions from the Conseil constitutionnel for the period 1993-2005.
  • Juricaf provides links to selected case law from several Senegal courts.

Research Guide:



  • Seychelles Legal Information Institute (SeyLII) includes the Seychelles Law Reports (1997-2013), Constitutional Court decisions (2000-2018), Supreme Court decisions (1970-2018), Supreme Court Commercial List decisions (2013-2018), Court of Appeal decisions (1983-2018), the electronic Grey Book (an unofficial consolidation of acts and statutory instruments), Laws of Seychelles with a list by keyword categories, numbered acts, statutory instruments, and cause lists.


  • The Investment Bureau website provides the Tourism Incentive Act, related regulations, other acts relating to trade, and double taxation agreements.

Research Guides:

Sierra Leone:


  • Sierra Leone Legal Information Institute (SierraLII) includes selected decisions from the Supreme Court (1941-2016), the Court of Appeal (1937-2018), the High Court (1972-2018), and the Special Court (2004-2014). SierraLII also has selected legislation including numbered acts (1931-2017 with a list of categories), consolidated acts, and statutory instruments.


Special Tribunal:

Research Guides:



  • Parliament – selected laws.
  • provides information about the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Somaliland. The full texts of the Constitution and some of the main laws are found here in English, or in Somali where no translation is available.

Research Guides:

South Africa:

Subscription databases:

  • Juta offers several online subscription databases which provide comprehensive access to both government and provincial legal materials.
  • LexisNexis South Africa is another major provider of South African legal materials.
  • Sabinet provides full text access to government and provincial gazettes and parliamentary bills.


  • Southern African Legal Information Institute (SAFLII) provides access to legislation (Numbered Acts 1993- ) and decisions from many courts including the Constitutional Court(1995- ), the Supreme Court of Appeal (1984- ) , the Labour Appeal Court (1997- ), Labour Court (1997- ), Land Claims Court (1996- ), the Competition Tribunal (1999- ), Competition Appeal Court (2000- ), Electoral Court (2001-2009), and the provincial courts.

Law and Legislation:

Jurisprudence: In addition to the SAFLII database, the following courts provide decisions on their websites:

Research guides:

South Sudan:

Law and Legislation:

  • The official website of the government of South Sudan has posted selected laws, legislation, and policies.
  • The Gurtong Trust website also has legislation as well as documents related to the peace process and post referendum materials.
  • EriLaws is a collection of South Sudan laws along with short summary of each law. There is a subscription fee and an option for free access. The collection includes laws that are repealed, amended, and in effect.

Research Guides:


Law and Legislation:

Research Guides:

Swaziland (Kingdom of Eswatini):


  • SwaziLII includes numbered acts, legislation, decisions from the Industrial Court of Appeal, the High Court, Industrial Court, and Supreme Court, CMAC awards, and other legal materials.
  • WorldLII: Swaziland


Research Guides:


Subscription databases:

Law and Legislation:

  • The Parliament website provides a searchable database of laws from 1962 to the present. The Parliament site also provides current bills and their status. Hansards for the current Parliament are available in Kiswahili. The legislation is also available on SAFLII through 2008.
  • The official Government Portal provides a searchable Government Gazette.


  • SAFLII contains decisions from the Court of Appeal (1983-2011), High Court (1986-2009), and Labour Court (2010).

Research Guides:



  • Ministère de la Justice has a collection of laws published in the Journaux Officiels (1920-2014) and decisions from the Cour Constitutionelle (1997-2014) and Cour Supreme (1963-2014).

Law and Legislation:


  • Juricaf has selected supreme court, appellate court, and court of first instance decisions.

Research Guides:


Law and Legislation:

  • Juriste Tunisie is a large French language database arranged by subject which provides codes, laws and decrees related to both public and private law.
  • Lexadin has selected legislation arranged by topic.
  • Portail de la Justice en Tunisie includes legal codes and court procedure manuals
  • The full text of laws and regulations relating to financial markets is available on the Bourse de Tunis website.

Research Guides:


Subscription database:

  • Africa Law Reports from LawAfrica include judgments from Uganda’s courts.
  • Uganda Online Law Library is a subscription service providing access to laws, statutory instruments, and judicial decisions. A few items are free including selected legislation, subsidiary legislation, a cause list, directory information and a few judgments.


  • The Uganda Legal Information Institute – ULII provides access to laws in the Ugandan Gazette, Consolidated Legislation, Statutory Instruments, Acts of Parliament, and selected decisions from many Ugandan courts including: Commercial Court, Constitutional Court, Court of Appeal, High Court, Supreme Court, and the Center for Arbitration and Dispute Resolution.

Research Guides:


Subscription database:

  • Juta provides the Zambia Law Reports (1963-1997).


  • Zambia Legal Information Institute – ZambiaLII provides Acts of Parliament, Laws of Zambia 2006, bills, Statutory Instruments (2002-2018), and decisions from several courts including the Supreme Court (1974-2018), the High Court (1978-2018), and the Constitutional Court of Zambia.

Law and Legislation:

  • Zambian Parliament website includes recent acts, Laws of Zambia, and debates and proceedings of recent sessions of Parliament.

Research Guides:


Subscription database:


  • Zimbabwe Legal Information Institute (ZimLII) includes the Laws of Zimbabwe, Acts of Parliament, and decisions from the Supreme Court (1983-2018), Constitutional Court, Harare High Court, Bulawayo High Court, and Labour Court.

Law and Legislation:

Research Guides:

4. Websites of Regional Organizations