Burkina Faso Legal Information and Research

By Kounkinè Augustin Somé

Kounkinè Augustin Somé LLB (Ouagadougou), DEA (Nantes, Paris XII) LLM (Pretoria-American University, Cairo), is a graduate in International Human Rights Law with Specialization in Human Rights and Democratization in Africa and Humanitarian Assistance. He has comprehensive experience in the area of human rights, democratic governance and peacebuilding. Mr. Somé has written several articles and papers including on the APRM (Governance assessment, a tool for human rights promotion: A critical look at the African Peer Review Mechanism); on the Human Rights situation in Burkina Faso in the Human Rights Law in Africa Series (Volume 2, 2000 – 2004). Mr. Somé has worked with the Parliament of Burkina Faso as legal officer and is currently serving on Human Rights with the United Nations Integrated Office in Sierra Leone (UNIOSIL). He can be contacted by email.

Published November 2007

1. Introduction

Burkina Faso, formerly known has Haute-Volta (Upper Volta) is a landlocked West African country. It shares borders with Mali (North), Niger (East), Benin (South-East), Togo and Ghana (South) and Cote d’Ivoire (South-West). Burkina Faso means “The Land of Upright Men” and its people are called Burkinabé.

The total Area is 274,200 sq km and the population is 14,326,203 as of the most recent census. The Capital City is Ouagadougou. The currency is the Franc CFA (XOF). Burkina Faso is a member of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU), in which it hosts the Commission.

The official language is French.

2. Historical Note

In its legal and political evolution, Burkina Faso has known four constitutional regimes respectively in 1960, 1970, 1977 and 1991. A remarkable fact is that a constitution has never succeeded directly to another; rather the different constitutional regimes have always been stopped by a military one. But before independence, “Upper Volta” had a constitution dominated by colonial rapports.

Burkina Faso, a former French colony gained independence in 1960 (August 5). Six years later, (1966) the government led by Maurice Yaméogo, pushed to the corner by the labor movement, was deposed by the army. A new constitution was adopted in 1970 and was later suspended in 1974 by the army again. The third constitution was adopted in 1977 and was again suspended by a military coup in 1980. Another coup d’etat in 1983 installed the National Revolution Council (CNR) led by Thomas Sankara. On October 15, 1987, Thomas Sankara was killed in another coup d’etat and Blaise Compaoré replaced the CNR with the Popular Front (FP). In 1991, a new Constitution was adopted through a referendum and Blaise Compaoré was elected president. He has since been re-elected in 1998 and 2005.

3. The Structure of Government

Burkina Faso is a democratic, unitary and secular state (article 31 of the Constitution). The 1991 Constitution, adopted by referendum established a semi-presidential regime. It allows an integral multiparty system and consecrates separation of powers. The head of state (President du Faso) is elected for 5 years and can be re-elected once. A unicameral Parliament composed of 111 MPs, is elected every 5 years and a Constitutional Council is there to ensure that other legal instruments/decisions conform with the constitution. The relationship between the Executive and the Legislature is characterized by the fact that the National Assembly can engage the Government’s responsibility by passing a vote of no confidence; in return, the Government can dissolve the Parliament (Art. 114).

For the past 15 years, political pluralism has been a reality in Burkina Faso and several political parties have competed during electoral consultations organized on a regular basis. New democratic institutions have enriched the country’s institutional set-up and have contributed to strengthening democracy. The protection of human rights is guaranteed in the constitution, though they still need actual implementation. Finally, the new dynamism of civil society groups and the freedom of expression are testimonies of significant progress in the area of democracy.

The main arms of government are:

  • The Executive
  • The Legislature
  • The Judiciary

The Executive

The Executive has two heads: the Président du Faso (PF) and the Prime Minister.

1. The Président du Faso (PF)

S/he is the Head of State who designs broad state political orientations and embodies and ensures national unity. S/he is the guarantor of the constitution, national independence, integrity of the national territory, state continuity, and respect for international agreements (Art. 36).

The PF is elected for 5 years and is re-eligible once (art 37). Candidates to be elected President du Faso must be burkinbé by birth, at least 35 years old (art 38), and their parents must be burkinabé. The PF is elected by the absolute majority at the first round; otherwise a run-off is organized 15 days after and s/he is elected with simple majority (art 39).

The functions of PF are incompatible with any other elective mandate, public job, or any other professional activities (art. 42). When the PF cannot perform his/her functions temporarily, his/her powers are temporary exercised by the prime minister. In the case of absolute or definite inability certified by the Constitutional Council, his/her powers are exercised by the President of the National Assembly. In this case, a new president gets elected not less than 30 days and not more than 60 days after the certification of the inability (art 43).

By law and in fact, the Président du Faso is the chief of the Executive; the mode of his/her election (art. 37) confers to the President a popular legitimacy, added to the many powers that the constitution gives him/her through articles 46 to 60. Such constitutional powers are as follows:

  • Exclusive powers: these cannot be counter-singed by any minister; some decisions of the PF are free from ministerial counter-signature (art. 46, 49, 50, 54, 59).
  • Powers vis-à-vis the Government: the choice of the prime minister is the exclusive attribution of the PF (art. 46); if s/he must choose the PM among the majority in parliament, s/he is free to choose whoever s/he wants. The PF can revoke the PM and other ministers at his/her convenience (art. 46). The PF chairs Cabinet meetings.
  • Powers vis-à-vis the Parliament: the PF has two major powers: s/he can dissolve the Parliament (art 50); s/he can even do this every year. The PF also has the power to communicate directly with the Parliament; this is referred to as “le droit de communication” or “droit de message” (art 51). S/he can call special or extraordinary sessions of Parliament to communicate messages.
  • Powers vis-à-vis the people: only the PF can initiate or decide the use of a referendum.
  • Powers vis-à-vis the Judiciary: the PF is the President of the Superior Council of the Magistrature (Conseil supérieur de la magistrature); s/he participates in the nomination of judges at the Constitutional Council.

2. The Cabinet

The Cabinet (le Governement) is a joint team collectively responsible before the National Assembly. This joint responsibility has three consequences:

  • the departure of the prime minister implies the departure of the whole cabinet
  • ministers are not individually responsible
  • a minister who disagrees with government policies should resign

The powers conferred to the government by the constitution are mainly exercised by the prime minister. S/he:

  • is the chief of the cabinet and therefore leads and coordinates government action (art 63)
  • ensures the implementation of laws
  • appoints high civil and military positions (except for those that fall under the prerogatives of the PF)
  • chairs cabinet meetings on delegation (art 64)
  • determines the attributions of other cabinet ministers (art 65)

The current government, formed after the 2007 parliamentary elections and led by Tertius Zongo, former Ambassador the United States, is composed of 35 ministers.

The Legislative

The Legislature is made up of the “Assemblée nationale”, the National Assembly. It is composed of “députés” (Members of Parliament) elected through direct universal suffrage (art 80) for five years (art 81). They are vested with legislative powers. In accordance with article 84, the “Assemblée nationale” passes laws, fixes taxes, and monitors the government action.

The National Assembly holds two ordinary sessions yearly, each of them not exceeding 90 days. The first session opens on the first Wednesday of March and the second on the last Wednesday of September. If this Wednesday falls on the public holiday, the session opens on the following working day (art 87). The National Assembly can also hold extraordinary sessions called for by its President upon request of the prime minister or from the absolute majority of MPs, on a particular agenda. Such extraordinary sessions close as soon as the said agenda is completed (art 88).

The sessions are public; however, the Assembly may meet in closed session as the need arises (art 89).

No MP can be arrested, detained, or tried for his/her opinion or votes expressed during or in relation to his/her functions. (art 95); except when caught in the act “flagrant délit”. No MP can be arrested for correctional or criminal matters unless authorized by 1/3 of the MP when the Parliament is in session, or by the bureau of the National Assembly (art 96).

According to art 101, the law (among others things) determines the rules regarding:

  • citizenship, civic rights, and the exercise of public liberties
  • requisitions in connection with national defense
  • nationality, status of the person, marriage laws, and interstate succession
  • procedures to be followed in recognizing customs and their harmonization with constitutional principles
  • the determination of crimes and offenses as well as the sanctions applicable thereto, criminal procedure, and amnesty
  • taxes
  • state of emergency
  • the electoral regime of the national Assembly and other local Assemblies
  • the judicial set-up
  • fundamental principles regarding the protection of the environment, the protection of the freedom of the press and access to information, the status of public service, the correction systems, national values, etc.

The Judiciary

The Judiciary is the guardian of individual and collective freedoms; it ensures respect for the rights and freedoms defined by the constitution (art 125).

The judicial and administrative jurisdictions are as follows: The Supreme Court of Appeals (Cour de cassation) is the highest jurisdiction of the judicial order; the Council of State (Conseil d’Etat) is the highest jurisdiction on administrative matters; the Court of Accounts (la Cour des comptes) is the highest jurisdiction when it comes to controlling public finances, the courts, and tribunals instituted by law. These jurisdictions apply the existing laws (art 126).

The Judiciary is independent (art 129). The President du Faso is the guarantor of the independence of the Judiciary (art 131); s/he is assisted by the Superior Council of the Magistrate, of which s/he is the president (132). The Superior Council of the Magistrate makes suggestions regarding the appointment and assignment of judges at the Supreme Court of Appeals, the Council of State and the Court of Accounts, and the presiding judges of the Courts of Appeals (art 134). Other Magistrates are appointed and assigned on proposition by the Minister of Justice.

Court sittings are public except as otherwise stated by law.

a) The Constitutional Council

The Constitutional Council is competent to decide on the constitutionality of the laws, Parliament rules and regulations, ordinances, treaties, and international agreement. Organic laws are automatically referred to the Constitutional Council before their promulgation. It regulates the functioning of public institutions and settles conflicts arising from their attributions. The Constitutional Council also ensures regularity, transparency, and sincerity of referendums, and presidential and parliamentarian elections. It decides all electoral disputes and proclaims the final results of presidential, parliamentarian, and local elections. It administers the oath of the president (art 152 of the Constitution).

The Constitutional Council is composed of a President, 3 judges appointed to the President on proposition of the Minister of Justice, 3 personalities appointed by the President, and 3 personalities appointed by the President of the National Assembly. Except for its President, the members of the Constitutional Council are appointed for 9 years. The Council is renewed by 1/3 every 3 years under the conditions stated by law (art 153 of the constitution). Only the President, the Prime Minister, the President of the National Assembly or 1/5 of the members of the National Assembly can file a petition before the Constitutional Council (art 157) and its decisions can not be challenged before any other institutions (art 159).

An organic law (Loi 11-2000/AN du 27 avril 2000, portant composition, organisation, attributions et fonctionnement du Conseil Constitutionnel et procédure applicable devant lui) determines the organization and functioning of the Constitutional Council and the procedure applicable before it.

b) Structure of the Judiciary:

Pursuant to the Loi 010/93/ADP portant organisation judiciaire au Burkina Faso, the jurisdictions of the judicial order in Burkina Faso are:

  • The Supreme Court of Appeals
  • The Appeal Court
  • The High Instance Tribunals
  • The Instance Tribunals
  • The Department Tribunals
  • The District (Arrondissement) Tribunals
  • The Labor Tribunals
  • The Judges for Children
  • The Tribunals for Children.

The same law determines the geographical and material competence, the headquarters, and the composition of the jurisdictions mentioned above.

Burkina Faso’s legal system is based on civil law and is mainly copied from the French legal system. Local customary laws also apply to some extent. From top to bottom, the hierarchy of laws in Burkina Faso is as follows:

  • the constitution
  • regularly signed and ratified international treaties
  • acts of parliament
  • ordinances
  • decrees

a) The Constitution

The constitution is the supreme law of Burkina Faso and all other legal acts are derived from it and must conform to it. Adopted by referendum on June 2nd, 1991, the current constitution has been revised three time by Acts no. 002/97/ADP du 27 janvier 1997; 003 -2000/AN du 11 avril 2000; 001 -2002/AN du 22 janvier 2002. It can be accessed here under Textes Fondamentaux.

It provides for human rights and fundamental freedoms. Titre I “Des droits et devoirs fondamentaux” (on fundamental rights and duties) with its 30 articles (art 1 to 30) can be seen as the bill of rights.

b) Legislation

Law (la loi) is defined as a regular deliberation of the National Assembly. Legislations are initiated by the Government (Projet de loi), the National Assembly (Proposition de loi) or by a group of 15, 000 citizens (initiative populaire) (art 98) who have their voting right. All projets de loi and propositions de loi are agreed by the Cabinet before they are tabled before the National Assembly.

When agreed on and put on the agenda of the National Assembly, draft bills are discussed and the voted into law. When a law is adopted, the PF has 21 days to promulgate it; such period is shortened to 8 days in case of emergency declared by the National Assembly (art 48). During this period, the PF can also request a second reading of the law, in totality or in some of the sections; such a request may be turned down by the National Assembly. If the PF fails to promulgate a law during the required period, it automatically enters into force after the Constitutional Council has taken good notice (art 154).

An organic law (loi organique) is an act of Parliament organizing the composition, attributions, and function and procedures applicable before a national institution such as the Constitutional Council, the Economic and Social Council, the National Electoral Commission, etc. Such organic laws and the Regulations of the National Assembly, before their entry into force, must be submitted to the Constitutional Council for review against the constitution (art 155).

c) Treaties and International Agreements

Article 151 of the Constitution provides that treaties and agreements regularly ratified or approved have, at their publication, higher authority than the one of legislations, provided that the other party applies them.

d) The Ordonnance (ordinance)

An “Ordonnance” is an act signed by the PF after deliberation of Cabinet, in a domain reserved for Parliament and in accordance with articles 103, 107 and 119 of the Constitution. It enters into force as soon as published (art 99).

e) The Décret (Decree)

The “décret simple” (simple decree) is an act signed by the PF or by the Prime Minister and Counter-signed by the relevant members of the Cabinet (art 100).

f) The Décret Issued in Cabinet Meeting

This is an act which is signed by the PF and the Prime Minister after consultation of Cabinet ministers. It is counter-signed by the relevant member(s) of the Cabinet.

Until recently, only the Faculty of Law and Political Science of the University of Ouagadougou was training lawyers in Burkina Faso. The Faculty of Law offers degrees in different braches of law: LLB (Licence es sciences juridiques – 3 years); Maitrise en droit (4 years) and recently LLM (DEA, DESS). In recent times, a second university, the “University Catholique” or “Université Saint Thomas d’Aquain” has implemented a law department. Other private universities and tertiary institutions offer law as subject.

When one obtains a maitrise en droit, one can choose to become a magistrate, advocate, or jurist either in public administration or in private business.

Magistrate (magistrate)

First, one needs to take a test. When admitted, it takes a year of specialized training at the National School of Administration and Magistrature (ENAM). After this, one takes a year of practical training (stage) with a court. Upon completion, successful postulants are sworn in to sit in tribunal and courts. The magistrate profession is regulated by the “Loi organique No 036-2001/AN portant statut du Corps de la Magistrature”.

Advocate (Avocat)

After successful completion of the fourth year of law studies with honors, one is qualified to take a test to become an avocat. The test is known as the “certficat d’aptitude a la profession d’avocat” – CAPA (aptitude certificate to practice as advocate). When one passes the CAPA, one goes for training in a law firm for two years. Upon satisfactory result, one is called to the Bar to practice as an Avocate. The ’’Loi n°016-2000/AN du 23 mai 2000, portant réglementation de la profession d’avocat’’ and the “Arreté interministériel No 2002 portant organisation du certificat d’aptitude a la profession d’avocat” organizes the advocate profession in Burkina Faso.

6. Law Reporting

There is no structure in charge of comprehensive law reporting in Burkina Faso which makes legal research difficult. Some of the laws applicable in the country before independence can be found in the French law collections. However, within the Ministry of Justice, there is a “Codification Commission” that ensures harmonization of legal Acts and their publication in the form of codes. In this way, the Civil code, the Fiscal code, and the Penal code, among others, have been published. A scientific committee with technical support and advice from the Belgium Cooperation provides support to the Codification process.

The European Union supported the “Programme d’Appui à la consolidation du processus démocratique, l’État de droit et la bonne gouvernance (PADEG)”, a program supporting consolidation of the democratic process, the rule of law and good governance, and support of the publication of Codes and other legal materials.

The country’s Civil Code is replication of the French “Code civil” and to a great extent the “Code Napoleonian”. The Penal code is also drawn from the French Code penal. Only the civil procedure code (Code de procedure civile) was amended to suit the country’s judicial set-up. But again with the OHADA Treaty, most aspects the civil procedure code are no longer applied. The treaty establishing the Organisation pour l’Harmonisation du Droit des Affaires en Afrique, (organization for the harmonization of business law in Africa -OHADA Treaty), aims at harmonizing and facilitating legal procedures in applying business law among member states. Almost all French speaking African countries are members of OHADA.

The government official gazette, known as the “Journal Officiel publishes laws passed by Parliament and other Acts taken by government such Presidential decrees, etc.

The National Assembly also publishes a series of compendiums “Le recueil des lois de l’Assemblée Nationale,” which is a compilation of laws passed by the Parliament every year. However this publication has been discontinued; the last publication dates back to 2004: Répertoire général des lois votées par l’Assemblée nationale (1992-2004), 1ère edition.


1991 Constitution as revised by loi n°001 -2002/AN du 22 janvier 2002 (in French) can be found here.


Below is a selection of different legislation on selected topics:


  • Loi No 11/96/ADP du 26 avril 1996, portant modification de l’Ordonnance No 92-018/PRES du 25 mars 1992 portant code électoral (Journal Officiel no 31 du 13 juin 1996).
  • Loi No 03/97/ADP du 28 janvier 1997, portant code électoral.
  • Loi No 10/97/ADP du 12 février 1997, portant création, composition et attributions d’une Commission Nationale d’Organisation des Elections (CNOE).
  • Loi 21-98/AN du 7 mai 1998, portant code électoral (Journal Officiel Spécial no2 du 29 juin 1998).
  • Loi 33/99/AN du 23 décembre 1999, portant modification de l’article 214 de la loi no 021-98/AN du 07mai 1998 portant code électoral (Journal Officiel no 6 du 10 octobre 2000).
  • Loi 03-2000/AN du 11 avril 2000, portant révision de la Constitution (Journal Officiel no 18 du 4 mai 2000).
  • Loi 04-2000/AN du 18 avril 2000, portant modification du code électoral (Journal Officiel no 21 du 25 mai 2000).
  • Loi 13-2001/AN du 03 juillet 2001 portant code électoral.

Freedom of Association and Demonstration:

  • Loi No 10/92/ADP du 14 décembre 1992, portant liberté d’association (Journal Officiel Spécial no 4 du 8 janvier 1993).
  • Loi No 14/92/ADP du 14 décembre 1992, portant liberté de réunion et de manifestation sur la voie publique.
  • Loi No 22/97/II/AN du 21 octobre 1997, portant liberté de réunion et de manifestation sur la voie publique (Journal Officiel no 50 du 11 décembre 1997).


  • Loi No 56/93/ADP du 30 décembre 1993, portant Code de l’information au Burkina Faso (Journal Officiel no 5 du 3 février 1994)
  • Loi 20-2000/AN du 28 juin 2000, portant création, composition, attributions et fonctionnement du Conseil Supérieur de l’Information (Journal Officiel no 6 du 8 février 2001).
  • Loi 25-2001/AN du 25 octobre 2001, portant code de la publicité au Burkina Faso (Journal Officiel no 52 du 27 décembre 2001).


  • Loi 2003032-2003/AN du 14 mai 2003 relative à la sécurité intérieure (Journal Officiel no 31 du 31 juillet 2003).


  • Loi 030-2003/AN du 07 mai 2003, portant autorisation de ratification de la Convention internationale sur la protection des droits de tous les travailleurs migrants et des membres de leur famille (Journal Officiel no 32 du 7 août 2003).


  • Loi No 11/92/ADP du 14 décembre 1992, portant Code du travail (Journal Officiel Spécial no3 du 7 janvier 1993).
  • Loi No 06/97/AN du 15 avril 1997, portant autorisation de ratification de la convention no 105 de l’OIT concernant l’abolition du travail forcé adoptée en juin 1957 à Genève (Journal Officiel no 19 du 8 mai 1997).
  • Loi No 11/97/AN du 15 avril 1997, portant autorisation de ratification de la convention no 173 de l’OIT concernant la protection des créances des travailleurs en cas d’insolvabilité de leur employeur, signée le 23 juin 1992 à Genève (Journal Officiel no19 du 8 mai 1997).
  • Loi 13-98/AN du 28 avril 1998, portant régime applicable aux emplois et aux agents de la fonction publique (Journal Officiel Spécial no1 du 25 juin 1998).
  • Loi 033-2004/AN du 14 septembre 2004 portant Code du travail au Burkina Faso (Journal Officiel Spécial no2 du 29 octobre 2004).

Statute of the Person:

  • Zatu An VII 13 du 16 novembre 1989 portant institution et application d’un Code des personnes et de la famille au Burkina.
  • Loi No 30/94/ADP du 25 mai 1994, portant autorisation de ratification de la convention entre le Burkina Faso et la République Française relative à la circulation et au séjour des personnes.
  • Loi 010-2004/AN du 20 avril 2004, portant protection des données à caractère personnel (Journal Officiel no26 du 24 juin 2004).


  • Loi No 05/97/ADP du 30 janvier 1997, portant code de l’environnement au Burkina Faso.
  • Loi 027-2002/AN du 09 octobre 2002, portant autorisation d’adhésion du Burkina Faso au protocole de Kyoto relatif aux changements climatiques (Journal Officiel no47 du 21 octobre 2002).

Children’s Rights:

  • Loi No 08/95/ADP du 27 avril 1995, portant autorisation de ratification de la convention sur la protection des enfants et de la coopération en matière d’adoption internationale conclue le 29 mai 1993 à la Haye.
  • Loi No 07/97/AN du 15 avril 1997, portant autorisation de ratification de la convention no 138 de l’OIT concernant l’age minimum d’admission à l’emploi, signée le 6 juin 1973 à Genève.
  • Loi 038-2003/AN du 27 mai 2003 portant définition et répression du trafic d’enfant(s) (Journal Officiel no 31 du 31 juillet 2003).

Access to Land:

  • Loi No 14/96/ADP du 23 mai 1996, portant organisation agraire et foncière au Burkina Faso (Journal Officiel no32 du 8 août 1996).


  • Loi 23-98/AN du 8 mai 1998 portant autorisation de ratification de la convention des Nations Unies sur les Droits Politiques de la Femme du 20 décembre 1952 (Journal Officiel no28 du 9 juillet 1998).


  • Loi No 07/95/ADP du 27 avril 1995, portant modification de la classification des Bibles, Corans et autres livres et brochure liturgiques dans le tarif des douanes (Journal Officiel no25 du 22 juin 1995).
  • Loi N°019-2000/AN du 27 juin 2000, portant institution de fêtes légales au Burkina Faso (Journal Officiel no30 du 27 juillet 2000).


  • Loi No 23/94/ADP du 19 mai 1994, portant Code de santé publique (Journal Officiel no 41 du 13 octobre 1994).
  • Loi 34-98/AN du 18 mai 1998, portant loi hospitalière (Journal Officiel no 28 du 9 juillet 1998).

Judicial Divisions and Fair and Equitable Justice:

  • Loi No 10/93/ADP du 13 mai 1993, portant organisation judiciaire au Burkina Faso (Journal Officiel Spécial no8 du 21 juin 1993).
  • Loi No 51/93/ADP du 16 décembre 1993, portant procédure applicable devant la chambre criminelle (Journal Officiel no2 du 13 janvier 1994).
  • Loi No 24/94/ADP du 23 mai 1994, portant Code de justice militaire (Journal Officiel no48 du 1er décembre 1994).
  • Loi No 22/94/ADP du 17 mai 1994, portant institution d’un médiateur du Faso.
  • Loi No 44/94/ADP du 24 novembre 1994, portant organisation judiciaire au Burkina Faso.
  • Loi No 20/95/ADP du 16 mai 1995, portant composition et fonctionnement de la Haute Cour de justice et procédure applicable devant elle.
  • Loi No 43/96/ADP du 13 novembre 1996, portant code pénal.
  • Loi No 17/97/II/AN du 29 juillet 1997 portant conditions d’octroi de la grâce Amnistiante (Journal Officiel no38 du 18 septembre 1997).
  • Loi 11-2000/AN du 27 avril 2000, portant composition, organisation, attributions et fonctionnement du Conseil Constitutionnel et procédure applicable devant lui (Journal Officiel Spécial no1 du 14 août 2001).
  • Loi 13-2000/AN du 9 mai 2000, portant organisation, attributions et fonctionnement de la Cour de cassation et procédure applicable devant elle (Journal Officiel Spécial no1 du 14 août 2001).
  • Loi 15-2000/AN du 23 mai 2000, portant composition, organisation, attributions et fonctionnement du Conseil d’Etat et procédure applicable devant lui (Journal Officiel Spécial no1 du 14 août 2001).
  • Loi 34-2000/AN du 13 décembre 2000, portant modification de la loi organique no 11-2000/AN du 27 avril 2000, portant composition, organisation, attributions et fonctionnement du Conseil Constitutionnel et procédure applicable devant lui.
  • Loi 35-2000/AN du 13 décembre 2000, portant modification de la loi organique no 13-2000/AN du 9 mai 2000, portant organisation, attributions et fonctionnement de la Cour de cassation et procédure applicable devant elle.
  • Loi 36-2000/AN du 13 décembre 2000, portant modification de la loi organique no 14-2000/AN du 16 mai 2000, portant organisation, attributions et fonctionnement de la Cour des comptes et procédure applicable devant elle.
  • Loi 37-2000/AN du 13 décembre 2000, portant modification de la loi organique no 15-2000/AN du 23 mai 2000, portant composition, organisation, attributions et fonctionnement du Conseil d’Etat et procédure applicable devant lui.
  • Loi 35-2001/AN du 12 décembre 2001, portant composition, attributions, organisation et fonctionnement du conseil supérieur de la magistrature (Journal Officiel no7 du 14 février 2002).
  • Loi 36-2001/AN du 13 décembre 2001 portant statut du corps de la magistrature (Journal Officiel no7 du 14 février 2002).
  • Loi 057-2003/AN du 22 octobre 2003, portant autorisation de ratification du Statut de Rome sur la Cour pénale internationale adopté à Rome le 17 juillet 1998 (Journal Official No 51 du 18 décembre 2003).
  • Loi 006-2004/AN du 06 avril 2004, modifiant la loi no 043/96/ADP du 13 novembre 1996, portant Code pénal (Journal Officiel no23 du 3 juin 2004).

Transparent Public Management:

  • Loi No 22/95/ADP du 18 mai 1995, portant institution d’une procédure de dépôt et de vérification des listes des biens des membres du gouvernement.
  • Loi 12-2000/AN du 2 mai 2000, portant financement des activités des partis politiques et des campagnes électorales (Journal Officiel no 25 du 29 juin 2000).
  • Loi 14-2000/AN du 16 mai 2000, portant organisation, attributions et fonctionnement de la Cour des comptes et procédure applicable devant elle (Journal Officiel Spécial no1 du 14 août 2001).
  • Loi 12-2001/AN du 02 mai 2001, portant financement des activités des partis politiques et des campagnes électorales (Journal Officiel no 31 du 2 août 2001).
  • Loi 026-2002/AN du 20 août 2002, portant fixation des indemnités des députés (Journal Officiel no 40 du 30 octobre 2002).

Political Participation:

  • Loi No 27/94/ADP du 24 mai 1994, portant organisation du droit de pétition d’initiative législative.
  • Loi No 02/97/ADP du 27 janvier 1997, portant révision de la constitution.
  • Loi40-98/AN du 3 août 1998, portant orientation de la décentralisation au Burkina Faso (Journal Officiel no38 du 17 septembre 1998).
  • Loi 07-2000/AN du 25 avril 2000, portant statut de l’opposition politique (Journal Officiel no30 du 27 juillet 2000).
  • Loi 32-2001/AN du 29 novembre 2001, portant charte des organisations et des partis politiques au Burkina Faso (Journal Officiel no 1 du 3 janvier 2002).

International Instruments:

  • Loi No 02/97/AN du 26 mars 1997, portant autorisation de ratification de la convention d’extradition A/P1/7/92 relative à l’entraide judiciaire en matière pénale de la Communauté Economique des Etats de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (CEDEAO) signée à Abuja le 06 août 1994.
  • Loi 01-98/AN du 24 mars 1998, portant autorisation de ratification du Pacte International relatif aux droits économiques, sociaux et culturels, adopté le 16 décembre 1966 à New York par l’Assemblée Générale des Nations Unies (Journal Officiel no21 du 21 mai 1998).
  • Loi 02-98/AN du 24 mars 1998, portant autorisation de ratification du Pacte International relatif aux droits civils et politiques, adopté le 16 décembre 1966 à New York par l’Assemblée Générale des Nations Unies (Journal Officiel no21 du 21 mai 1998).
  • Loi 03-98/AN du 24 mars 1998, portant autorisation de ratification du Protocole facultatif se rapportant au Pacte International relatif aux droits économiques, sociaux et culturels, adopté le 16 décembre 1966 à New York par l’Assemblée Générale des Nations Unies (Journal Officiel no21 du 21 mai 1998).
  • Loi 04-98/AN du 24 mars 1998, portant autorisation de ratification de la convention contre la torture et les autres peines ou traitements cruels, inhumains ou dégradants, adopté le 10 décembre 1984 à New York par l’Assemblée Générale des Nations Unies (Journal Officiel no21 du 21 mai 1998).
  • Loi 47-98/AN du 14 octobre 1998, portant autorisation de ratification du protocole relatif à la charte africaine des droits de l’homme et des peuples portant création d’une Cour africaine des droits de l’homme et des peuples (Journal Officiel no49 du 3 décembre 1998)
  • Loi 01-2001/AN du 6 février 2001, portant autorisation de ratification de l’acte constitutif de l’Union africaine, signé le 11 juillet 2000 à Lomé au Togo (Journal Officiel no 11 du 15 mars 2001).
  • Loi 03-2001/AN du 24 avril 2001, portant autorisation de ratification du protocole relatif au mécanisme de prévention, de gestion de règlement des conflits, de maintien de la paix et de la sécurité (Journal Officiel no 25 du 21 juin 2001).
  • Loi 28-2001/AN du 21 novembre 2001, portant autorisation de ratification de la convention contre la criminalité transnationale organisée et ses protocoles I et II adoptés par l’Assemblée Générale des Nations Unies le 15 novembre 2000 à New York et son protocole no III adopté le 31 mai 2001 (Journal Officiel no 1 du 3 janvier 2002).
  • Loi 030-2002/AN du 17 octobre 2002, portant autorisation de ratification de la Convention de l’OUA sur la prévention et la lutte contre le terrorisme adopté à la 35ème Conférence des Chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement à Alger le 14 juillet 1999 (Journal Officiel no50 du 12 décembre 2002).
  • Loi 059-2003/AN du 23 octobre 2003, portant utilisation et protection des emblèmes de la croix rouge et du croissant rouge (Journal Officiel no 52 du 25 décembre 2003).



  • Salif YONABA, « Les grandes décisions de la jurisprudence burkinabé : droit administratif », Collection Précis de droit burkinabé, Université de Ouagadougou, UFR Sciences juridiques et politiques, 2004. This publication contains selected decisions on administrative justice.
  • For various courts and tribunal decisions see JuriBurkina or click here for a regularly updated website.