Researching Dutch Law

By Oswald Jansen and George Middeldorp

Oswald Jansen is senior-researcher at the Centre for the enforcement of European law, G.J. Wiarda Institute, Utrecht University, Netherlands. He holds an LLM-degree of the University of Nijmegen and received his PhD from the University of Amsterdam. His research interest in (public) law enforcement involves Dutch as well as foreign (mainly European) administrative law, Dutch as well as foreign (mainly European) criminal law and European law. He is also deputy judge at the Arnhem criminal court, as well as the ‘s-Hertogenbosch administrative law court, a member of the police complaints Committee of Amsterdam-Amstelland, chairman of the complaints commission Wijchen, and vice-chairman of the complaints commission Maasdriel.

George Middeldorp was the International Law Librarian, Deputy Head of the law library and lecturer in International & European Law, Air Law, and legal research at the Law Faculty of Utrecht University until October 2004. As from that date he works as policy advisor for the Dutch Public Prosecution Service. He is still affiliated with Utrecht University as guest lecturer.

Update to an article previously published on on November 18, 2002

Published June 2005

Read the Update!

The Kingdom of the Netherlands (Koninkrijk der Nederlanden) was founded in 1813. It was part of France from 1795 until 1813, before 1795 the greater part of the current territory was governed by a confederation of sovereign provinces (Republiek der Verenigde Nederlanden).

Government Structure

The Netherlands is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system. Since 1814 there has been a hereditary monarchy occupied in turn by Kings William I, William II and William III, followed by the Princess Regent Emma and Queens Wilhelmina, Juliana and Beatrix’ (more information on the websites of the Royal House and the State Archives’ Services).

‘The King is immune (this is the literal translation of “De koning is onschendbaar”, in other words The King has or enjoys immunity), ministers are politically responsible and subject to criminal law. In practice only the political responsibility of ministers has any real meaning. Legally speaking the King forms part of the government but actually it is the responsible ministers who make policy’ (Constantijn Kortmann and Paul Bovend’ Eert, The Kingdom of the Netherlands. An introduction to Dutch Constitutional law, Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, Deventer, Boston 1993, p. 5). See on the Dutch constitutional order also Eric Janse de Jonge, The Netherlands, in: Netherlands Reports to the Fifteenth International Congress of Comparative Law, Bristol 1998, pp. 365-378.

Some former colonies are still part of the Kingdom: the Carribean islands of Aruba, Curaçao, Bonaire, St. Maarten, St. Eustatius and Saba. They form a federation with the parts of the Kingdom in Europe. The Charter for the Kingdom of the Netherlands forms its constitution, which has a meaning superior to the written Dutch Constitution.

The territory in Europe could be characterized as a decentralized unitary State. Legislative and administrative powers are exercised by central, regional (12 provinces) as well as local bodies (more than 500 gemeenten). There are also other bodies and agencies that have legislative and administrative powers. Examples are the openbare lichamen voor bedrijf en beroep, the zelfstandige bestuursorganen (agencies) and waterschappen (water boards).

Types of Legislation

The most important form of legislation is the legislation made by the central government in cooperation with the Staten-Generaal (Parliament, consisting of two chambres): wetgeving in formele zin (legislation in a formal sense). Lower forms of legislation are rules made by other agencies that belong to central government, such as Algemene maatregel van bestuur and Ministeriële regeling, by the representative organs of provinces (these rules are called Verordeningen), waterschappen (these rules are called Keuren) and gemeenten (these rules are called Verordeningen), by zelfstandige bestuursorganen (agencies) or other openbare lichamen (public bodies).

Examples (in Dutch) of various forms of legislation can be found at (wetgeving in formele zin as well as algemene maatregelen van bestuur and ministeriële regelingen). Two examples of rules made by gemeenten: gemeente Nijmegen and gemeente Amsterdam.

The Court System

General information (in Dutch) about the court system can be found on the website The Dutch judicial system can roughly be divided into two subsystems: the general system and the administrative law system. The Supreme Court in the general system is the Hoge Raad (Supreme Council), it deals with matters of criminal law, tax law as well as private law. The lower courts are the kantongerechten (courts for petty offences and matters of relatively small importance), the rechtbanken (general courts of first instance) and the gerechtshoven (general courts of second instance).

The administrative law system has a few supreme courts: the Afdeling bestuursrechtspraak part of the Raad van State (mainly dealing with planning law as well as environmental law), the Centrale Raad van Beroep (mainly dealing with social security and civil servants matters) and the College van beroep voor het bedrijfsleven (dealing with matters of trade and economic administrative law).

The Hoge Raad has administrative law tasks as well (the chamber on criminal matters deals with punitive administrative law matters, tax law is considered a form of administrative law). The courts of first instance in administrative law are the rechtbanken. In tax matters the gerechtshoven are courts of first instance, in some matters of economic administrative law only the Rotterdam rechtbank is court of first instance.

The Effect of International and European Law

In the famous Costa-Enel case (6/64) the Court of Justice of the European Community has ruled that European law is an integral part of the national legal system of the EC member countries and takes precedence over national law. Therefore one cannot fully ascertain the applicable law without researching the relevant European law. The Eur-Lex database contains inter alia all Community legislation in force.

Another judicial institution which is increasingly influencing Dutch law is the European Court of Human Rights, the judicial organ of the European Convention on Human Rights. More information can be found in Ann Burnett’s Guide to Researching the Council of Europe and Sophie Lobey’s The Council of Europe on GlobaLex.

As to the effect of general public international law in the Dutch legal order, one has to look at articles 93 and 94 of the Constitution. These articles provide for the direct effect (self-execution) of provisions of treaties and of resolutions of international organizations if they are binding on all persons by virtue of their contents. When the Dutch judge rules that such a provision has direct effect, a citizen can invoke the provision in his case and the provision will then prevail over conflicting Dutch law. The question of direct effect is well explained by Brölmann and Vierdag in their contribution to The Integration of International and European Community Law into the National Legal Order. A Study of the Practice in Europe, edited by Eisemann, The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 1996, pp. 433-459.

Treaties to which the Netherlands is a party were officially published until 1951 in the Staatsblad and since then in the Tractatenblad, which is freely accessible as from 1 January 1995 at the website

Government: General


The Kamerstukken (parliamentary documents), Handelingen (minutes of parliamentary sessions), Kamervragen (questions by MPs + answers from the government) and the agendas are freely available as from 1-1-95 at the website



Local Communities (gemeenten)

Websites of local communities can be found via the Association of Local Communities or

Water Boards (waterschappen)

Trade and Product boards (bedrijfs- en productschappen)

Agencies (zelfstandige bestuursorganen)

Other (semi) Governmental Institutions



Paid Subscriptions

Dutch legislation is officially published in the Staatsblad (acts) and the Staatscourant (ministeral decisions). The collected texts of the legislation in force are also available in:

  • Sdu Wettenbank (online database), published by SDU
  • Algemene Databank Wet- en Regelgeving (CD-ROM and online database), published by Kluwer
  • Schuurman en Jordens (series of booklets), published by Tjeenk-Willink (subsidiary of Kluwer)

Free Internet Services

English Translations

Printed Sources

  • The Netherlands Arbitration Act 1986; [with notes by] Pieter Sanders [and] Albert Jan van den Berg; [transl. from the Dutch], Deventer [etc.]: Kluwer, 1987, ISBN 90-6544-297-9
  • The Dutch penal code / transl. [from the Dutch] by Louise Rayar and Stafford Wadsworth; in collab. with Mona Cheung … [et al.]; rev. by Hans Lensing; introd. by Grat van den Heuvel and Hans Lensing, Littleton, Colorado : Rothman, 1997, ISBN 0-8377-0050-7
  • The Extradition Act is published in International Criminal Law in the Netherlands / ed. by Bert Swart and André Klip, Freiburg im Breisgau: Edition Iuscrim, 1997, ISBN 3-86113-960-X
  • Niederländisches Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch / F. Nieper, A.S. Westerdijk (Red.) ; [übers. aus dem Niederländischen], München [etc.]: Beck [etc.], 1995- ISBN 3-406-39640-2
  • Netherlands Business Legislation, translated by Peter Haanappel, Ejan Mackaay, Hans Warendorf, Richard Thomas (looseleaf + website), The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 1999- , ISBN 9041107908
  • New Netherlands civil code: patrimonial law (property, obligations and special contracts) = Nouveau code civil néerlandais: le droit patrimonial (les biens, les obligations et les contrats particuliers) = Nieuw Nederlands Burgerlijk Wetboek: het vermogensrecht (zakenrecht, verbintenissenrecht en bijzondere overeenkomsten) ; transl. by P. P. C. Haanappel [and] Ejan Mackaay, Deventer [etc.]: Kluwer, 1990, ISBN 90-6544-482-3
  • New Netherlands civil code: Book 8, Means of traffic and transport = Nouveau code civil néerlandais: Livre 8, Des moyens de transport et du transport / transl. by P.P.C. Haanappel, Ejan Mackaay, Deventer: Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, 1995, ISBN 90-41-10129-2
  • Electricity regulation in the Netherlands: new guide to Dutch electricity law / Annelies E. H. Huygen, Leiden: DSWO Press, Leiden Univ., 1995, ISBN 90-6695-113-3

Internet Sources

Case Law


Paid Subscriptions

The main Dutch law reports are Nederlandse Jurisprudentie (NJ), Administratiefrechtelijke Beslissingen (AB), Kort Geding (KG) and Rechtspraak van de Week (RvdW). These are both available in journal and in cd-rom (Kluwer Juridische Bibliotheek) format, published by Kluwer. SDU also publishes several law reports, devoted to specialized branches. These reports are published in both journal format and in the online database SDU Jurisprudentie.

Free Internet Services

English Translations

English translations of Dutch case law are scarce. There are a few periodicals, however, which publish English summaries of case law:

  • Netherlands Yearbook of International Law (“Netherlands judicial decisions involving questions of public international law”). Most of these summaries are reproduced in the International Law Reports.
  • Netherlands International Law Review (“Netherlands judicial decisions involving questions of private international law”)
  • Uniform Law Review (“International Transport Law Conventions: A Digest of
  • Recent Decisions by Courts in the Netherlands”, by R. Cleton)


Law Faculties

Law Libraries



The textbook Introduction to Dutch Law (see below) contains an extensive bibliography, edited by E.H. Hondius, of English language publications on Dutch law. In addition, the E.M. Meijers Institute of Legal Studies of the University of Leiden has published the CD-ROM Dutch Law in Translation, which contains bibliographic references to academic publications concerning Dutch law.

Data Juridica is a bibliography on CD-ROM of Dutch law journal articles, published by Kluwer. In addition, both the Index to Legal Periodicals and the Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (available in paper edition and on CD-ROM) contain many references to journal articles, dealing with Dutch legal issues. In order to search the book collections of Dutch law libraries see the catalogues accessible through their websites, referred to above.

Books and Journals


Civil Law

  • Hebly, J.M., The Netherlands civil evidence act 1988, Deventer: Kluwer,
  • 1992, ISBN 90-6544-656-7
  • Rooij, R. van & Polak, M.V., Private International Law in the Netherlands,
  • Deventer: Kluwer, 1987 (ISBN 90-411-0084-9) with update of 1995 (ISBN 90-6544-286-3)
  • Netherlands reports to the international congress of comparative law, Deventer: Kluwer, 1970-….
  • Burght, G. van der, “The Netherlands”, in: Blanpain, R., International Encyclopaedia of Laws – Family and succession law, vol. 2, The Hague: Kluwer Law International
  • Ten Wolde, Prof. Dr. M.H.: The international and interregional law of succession in the Kingdom of the Netherlands since October 1, 1996
  • Nuytinck, A.J.M., A short introduction to the new Dutch succession law, Deventer: Kluwer, 2002, ISBN 9026840446
  • Reeskamp, P.L., Intellectual property law in the Netherlands, The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2002, ISBN 90-411-1813-6

Family Law

  • Sumner, Ian and Warendorf, Hans, Family law legislation of the Netherlands : a translation including Book 1 of the Dutch Civil Code, procedural and transitional provisions and private international law legislation, Antwerp : Intersentia, 2003, ISBN 905953409

Law of Obligations

  • Hondius, E.H. (ed.), Modern trends in tort law: Dutch and Japanese law compared, The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 1999, ISBN 90-411-1156-5
  • Jansen, Chr., Towards a European building contract law: a comparative legal analysis of English, German, French, Dutch and Belgian law, Tilburg: Schoordijk Instituut, Center for Liability Law, 1998, ISBN 90-271-49135
  • Busch, D. et al., The principles of European contract law and Dutch law; a commentary, The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2002, ISBN 90-411-1749-0

Commercial Law

  • Declercq, P.J.M., Netherlands insolvency law : the Netherlands Bankruptcy Act and the most important legal concepts, The Hague : TMC Asser press, 2002, ISBN 9067041440
  • Schuit, S.R. & Helleman, J. van, Dutch Business Law, loose leaf, Deventer: Kluwer, 1988- …, ISBN 90-6544-974-4
  • Hartkamp, A.S. & Tillema, M.M.M., Contract Law in the Netherlands, The Haque [etc.]: Kluwer, 1995, ISBN 90-41100-39-3
  • Schuit, S.R. & J.E. Janssen, M&A in the Netherlands – Acquisitions, Takeovers and joint ventures; Legal and taxation, The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 1996, ISBN 90-411-0319-8
  • Schuit, S.R. (ed.), Corporate law and practice of the Netherlands, 2nd edition, The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2002, ISBN 90-411-1906-x
  • Wessels, B., Business and Bankruptcy law in the Netherlands, The Hague [etc.]: Kluwer, 1999, ISBN 90-411-9746-X
  • Berg, A.J. van der, Delden, R. van & Snijders, H.J., Netherlands Arbitration Law, Deventer: Kluwer, 1993, ISBN 90-6544-770-9
  • Vijver, N.R., Securities regulation in the Netherlands, Deventer: Kluwer, 2000, ISBN 90-411-1358-4
  • Vriesendorp, R.D. et al. (eds.), Comparative and international perspectives on bankruptcy law reform in the Netherlands, Center for Company Law, 2001, ISBN 90-5454-109-1
  • Warendorf, H.C.S. and R.L. Thomas (eds.), Companies and other legal persons under Netherlands Law and Netherlands Antilles Law, The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 1989 (looseleaf, updated regulary), ISBN 90-6544-977-9
  • Netherlands Business Legislation, Online database with the English translation of the Dutch Civil Code and other business-related laws

Tax Law

Economic Law

  • Eijsvoogel, Peter V., Hendrik Jan de Ru, Dutch telecommunications law, The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2001, ISBN 90-411-1469-6
  • Ottevanger, T.R., Competition law of the European Community, the Netherlands and Belgium, The Hague [etc.]: Kluwer Law International, 1998, ISBN 90-411-0577-8
  • Stuyck, J. & Vogelaar, F.O.W. (eds.), Competition law in the EU and the Netherlands: a practical guide, Deventer: Tjeenk Willink, 2000, ISBN 90-271-5263-2
  • Ottervanger, T.R. and S.J. van der Voorde, Competition law of the European Union and the Netherlands: an overview, The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2002, ISBN 90-4111-1896-9

Constitutional and Administrative Law

  • Kortmann, C.A.J.M. & Bovend’Eert, P.P.T., Dutch constitutional law, The Hague [etc.]: Kluwer Law International, 2000, ISBN 90-411-1428-9
  • Brouwer, J.G., A Survey of Dutch administrative law, Nijmegen: Ars Aequi Libri, 1998, ISBN 90-6916-302-0
  • A, Klap, Recent developments in Dutch administrative law, European Review of Public Law 1994, p. 221 – 233, London Esperia Publications Ltd.
  • Klap, Recent developments in Dutch administrative law, European Review of Public Law 1995, p. 158 – 171, London Esperia Publications Ltd.
  • Klap, Recent developments in Dutch administrative law, European Review of Public Law 1996, p. 147 – 159, London Esperia Publications Ltd.
  • A.J. Bok, Chronicle 1998: Administrative Law, The Netherlands, in: European Review of Public Law / Revue Européenne de Droit Public, vol. 11.1, London 1999, p. 223-240
  • A.J. Bok, Chronicle 1999: Administrative Law, The Netherlands, in: European
  • Review of Public Law / Revue Européenne de Droit Public, vol. 12.1, London 2000, p. 193-214.
  • G. ten Berge en R. Widdershoven, The principle of legitimate expectations in Dutch constitutional and administrative law
  • Heijmans, Chronique de vie administrative Europe occidentale et orientale – Pays Bas
  • Vanheule, D., “The Netherlands”, in: Carlier, J-Y. et al. (eds.), Who is a refugee? A comparative case law study, The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 1997, ISBN 90-411-0348-1, Part I chapter 12
  • Waard, B. de (ed.), Negotiated decision-making, Den Haag: Boom Juridische uitgevers, 2000, ISBN 90-5454-053-2 (contains several contributions about Dutch law)

Criminal Law

  • Swart, B. & Klip, A. (eds.), International Criminal Law in the Netherlands, Freiburg im Breisgau: Ed. Iuscrim, Max-Planck-Institut für Ausländisches und Internationales Strafrecht, 1997, ISBN 3-86113-960-X
  • Lensing, J.A.W., “The Netherlands” in: Blanpain, R., International Encyclopaedia of Law – Criminal law, vol. 3, The Hague: Kluwer Law International, ISBN 90-6544-937-X
  • Kampen, P.Th.C. van, Expert evidence compared: rules and practices in the Dutch and American criminal justice system, Antwerp : Intersentia, 1998, ISBN 90-5095-049-3
  • Tak, P.J.P., Dutch criminal justice system : organization and operation. 2nd rev.ed., Den Haag : WODC, 2003, ISBN 9054543035
  • Brienen, M.E.I. & Hoegen, E.H., Victims of crime in 22 European criminal justice systems, Nijmegen: Wolf Legal Productions, 2000, ISBN 90-5850-004-7, chapter 17
  • Kalmthout, A.M. & Derks, J.T.M. (eds.), Probation and probation services. A European perspective, Nijmegen: Wolf Legal Publishers, 2000, ISBN 90-5850-008-X, chapter 14
  • M. Bonn, R.C.P. Haentjens, A.M.M. Orie, A.M.G. Smit, B. Swart, The Regionalization of International Criminal Law, in: International Review of penal law 1994, p. 355 – 370;
  • A.H.J. Swart, The protection of human rights in international cooperation in criminal proceedings, in: International Review of penal law 1994, p. 371-400.
  • P. Olger, The criminal justice systems facing the challenge of organised crime, International Review of penal law 1998, p. 423-462.
  • M. den Boer, A.M.M. Orie, J.M. Sjöcrona, M.I. Veldt, H. van der Wilt, The criminal justice system facing the challenge of organised crime, national report the Netherlands, in: International Review of penal law 1999, p. 575 – 620.
  • H. de Doelder, V. Mul and M. van den Enden, Regulation of financial markets with particular reference to market abuse: a perspective from the Netherlands
  • Brants, Chrisje. The principle of legality in Dutch criminal procedure. IN: Government policy and rule of law. Bart Hessel and Piotr Hofmanski (ed.). 1997, p. 175-197
  • Faure, M. and Visser, M.. How to punish environmental pollution? Some reflections on various models of criminalization of environmental harm. European journal of crime, criminal law and criminal justice. Deventer: n. 4, p.316-368, 1995.
  • Faure, Michael. A selection of empirical socio-economic research with respect to the functioning of legal rules and institutions in Belgium and the Netherlands. In: European Journal of law and economics, 2001, vol. 11, issue 3, p. 207-248.
  • Korf, Dirk J.. Dutch treat: formal control and illicit drug use in the Netherlands. Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers, 1995.
  • Nijboer, J. F.. The law of evidence in Dutch criminal cases in a nutshell: the role of the expert. In: Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, 1993. Swart, A. H.. J.. The Netherlands. In: Criminal procedure systems in the European Community. London: Butterworths, 1993
  • Tak, Peter J. P.. The Dutch criminal justice system: organization and operation. Den Haag: Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek – en Onderzoek en beleid / Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Documentatiecentrum, 1999.
  • Tak, Peter J. P.. The Netherlands. In: Criminal justice systems in Europe. Helsinki, HEUNI – Helsinki Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, affiliated with the United Nations, Deventer: Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, 1993.
  • Tak, Peter. J. P. The Netherlands. In: Sentencing reform in overcrowded times. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.
  • Tak, Peter J. P. et al.. The legal and practical problems posed by the difference between criminal law and administrative penal law. Revue internationale de droit pénal. N. 59, 1988, p. 311-326.
  • Vervaele, J. A. E. and Klip, A. H.. National report of the Netherlands. In: The implementation of the Corpus Juris in the Member States. Oxford, Antwerpen, Groningen: Intersentia, 2001.V. III, p. 637-678.
  • Vervaele, J. A. E. and Klip, A. H.. National report of the Netherlands. In: The implementation of the Corpus Juris in the Member States. Oxford, Antwerpen, Groningen: Intersentia, 2001. V. IV, p. 345-360.
  • Walig, Cornélie. The Netherlands. In: Environmental Protection. Potentials and Limits of Criminal Justice: evaluation of legal structures. Günter Heine / Mohan Prabhu / Anna Alvazzi del Frate (eds.). Freiburg im Breisgau : Edition Iuscrim; Max-Planck-Institut für Ausländisches und Internationales Strafrecht, 1992. p. 496-504.
  • Waling et al. Crimes against the environment, 65, International review of penal law. 1994, p. 1065-1099.
  • Willemse, Hans. Overlooking crime prevention: ten years of crime prevention in the Netherlands. In: SEC (03 OCT 1996), v. 7 (1996), n. 3, p. 177-184.
  • Corstens, G., La politique criminelle en matière de drogue aux Pays-Bas, Revue Pénitentiaire et de Droit Pénal Avril – juin 2000
  • Wolswijk, H.D. Locus Delicti and Criminal Jurisdiction, Netherlands International Law Review, 46 (1999) p. 361-382
  • J.F. Nijboer, A. Hieronymus, P.T.C. van Kampen, J. Janssen, Preuve Pénale et test génétique
  • Beijer and A.M. van Hoorn, Report on anonymous witnesses in the Netherlands
  • H. de Doelder, The system of administrative and penal sanctions, the Netherlands, in: The system of administrative and penal sanctions in the member states of the European communities, Volume I – national reports, Commission of the European communities, 1994-1995

Labor and Social Security Law

  • Jansen, E.P., Labor Law in the Netherlands, Deventer: Kluwer, 1994, ISBN 90-6544-807-1
  • Jacobs, A., Labour law in the Netherlands, The Hague : Kluwer Law Int., 2004, ISBN 9041122486
  • Troskie, H., An Introduction to Strikes in the Netherlands, Den Bosch: BookWorld Publications, 1995, ISBN 90-75228-06-6
  • Bedee, H. et al. (eds.), The international guide to social security. A country by country overview, The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 1995, ISBN 90-6544-8748
  • VNO NCW, AW-V, Dutch law and the employment contract, The Hague: Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers VNO-NCW, 1996
  • Pennings, F.J.L., Telework in the Netherlands: labour law, social security law and occupational health and safety aspects, Amsterdam: Hugo Sinzheimer Instituut, 1996, ISBN 90-73868-11-4
  • Rood, M.G., “The Netherlands”, in: Blanpain, R., International Encyclopaedia for labour law and industrial relations, vol. 10, The Hague: Kluwer Law International
  • Pennings, F., Dutch social security law in an international context, The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2002, ISBN 90-411-1887-X
  • Grapperhaus, F.B.J. and L.G. Verburg, Employment law and works councils of the Netherlands, The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2002, ISBN 90-411-1928-0

Environmental Law

  • Koeman, N.S.J. and Polak, J.E.M., “Environmental law in the Netherlands”, in: Koeman, N.S.J., Environmental law in Europe, The Hague : Kluwer Law International, 1999, ISBN 90-411-9739-7
  • Faure, M. & Heine, G., Environmental criminal law in the European Union, Freiburg im Breisgau: Edition Iuscrim, 2000, ISBN 3-86113-929-4, chapter XI
  • Gilhuis, P., Experience and perspectives with regard to the codification of environmental law in the Netherlands. In: Codification of environmental law: proceedings of the international conference. The Hague, London, Boston: Kluwer Law Internationa, 1995. Environmental Law & Policy Series.
  • Gronden, Johan van de, European environmental law in Dutch polder. In: Tilburg foreign law review. V. 8, n. 2, p. 135-157
  • Lugt, Marieke. Enforcing European national food law in the Netherlands and England. Koninklijke Vermande, 1999.
  • Nollkaemper, Judicial application of international environmental law in the Netherlands. In: Review of European Community and international environmental law. v. 7, n. 1, p. 40-46, 1998.
  • Seerden, René and Heldeweg, Michiel, Public environmental law in the Netherlands. In: Comparative environmental law in Europe, Antwerp: Maklu, 1996.
  • Verschuuren, J. The constitutional right to protection of the environment in the Netherlands. Austrian Journal for public and international law. Vol. 46, n. 1, 1993, p. 67-77.
  • Vogelezang-Stoute, Elizabeth. Directive 91/414/EEC and its implementation in the Dutch Pesticides Act. In: European environmental law review, 9 (2000) 8/9, p. 237-242.

Sociology of Law

  • Blankenburg, E.R. & Bruinsma, J.F., Dutch legal culture, Deventer [etc.]: Kluwer, 1994, ISBN 90-6544-766-0

Health Law

Law and Economics

Law Dictionaries

General Overview

G.R. de Groot & C.J.P. van Laer: Juridische woordenboeken binnen de Europese Unie (Law dictionaries within the European Union)


  • Foster, T., Dutch legal terminology in English: a practical reference guide, Leiden: Academic Press Leiden, 1999, ISBN: 90-74372-19-8
  • End, Aart van den (ed.): Juridisch lexicon = The legal lexicon, Zeist: Gateway, 1995, 2000, ISBN 90-73489-09-1 (also available on CD-ROM))


  • Leliard, J.D.M., Juridische termen: tweetalig (N-F/F-N) Lexikon van termen en uitdrukkingen uit de Rechterlijke Organisatie en het Burgerlijk- en het Strafprocesrecht = Termes de justice: lexique bilingue (N-F/F-N) de termes et locutions dans les domaines de l’organisation judiciaire, et des procédures civile et pénale, Antwerpen: Maklu, 1999, ISBN 90-6215-691-6
  • Moors, J., Dictionnaire juridique français-néerlandais Nederlands-Frans juridisch woordenboek, Brugge [etc.] : Die Keure, 1999, ISBN: 90-5751-197-5


  • Scheer, M.K., Wörterbuch der deutschen und niederländischen Rechtssprache, Deventer [etc.] : Kluwer, 1989, ISBN 90-6544-350-9
  • Langendorf, H., Wörterbuch der deutschen und niederländischen Rechtssprache : Lexikon für Justiz, Verwaltung, Wirtschaft u. Handel, Deventer : Kluwer, 1997, ISBN: 3-406-34797-5


  • Oosterveld-Egas Repáraz, M.C. & van Kanten, E.F., Juridisch woordenboek Nederlands-Spaans; Diccionario jurídico neerlandés-español, Apeldoorn [etc.] : Maklu, 1990, ISBN: 90-6215-271-6


  • K. Boele-Woelki (ed.), Nederlandse rechtsbegrippen vertaald : Frans, Engels, Duits (Dutch legal terms translated: French, English, German), Gravenhage: T.M.C. Asser Instituut, 1998, ISBN 990-6704-104-1
  • Le Docte, Edgard, Dictionnaire de termes juridiques en quatre langues = Viertalig juridisch woordenboek = Legal dictionary in four languages = Rechtswörterbuch in vier Sprachen, Antwerpen [etc.]: MAKLU, 1995, ISBN 90-6215-480-8
  • Van Hoof, D.C.; D. Verbruggen; C.H. Stoll, Elsevier’s legal dictionary: in English, German, French, Dutch and Spanish, Amsterdam [etc.]: Elsevier, 2001, ISBN 0-444-81785-9


The Leidraad voor juridische auteurs contains guidelines how to cite Dutch legislation, case law, parliamentary documents and literature.

Discussion List (Lawyers inform Lawyers on networking=Juristen informeren juristen over netwerkgebruik; Internet voor Juristen; discussion is in Dutch; Netherlands-based list). Send the following message to listserv@nic.surfnet.NL or listserv@hearn.bitnet: subscribe jurist-L Yourfirstname Yourlastname

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